
3 Methods to Not Run Out of Money

What’s the #1 fear in retirement? Running out of money. Get our step-by-step guide to help ensure your assets last a lifetime.   Download Guide

Sushi and the Art of Stockpicking

Published by Rob Furlong Every year around the Oscars I remember that between two kids, a career and countless other commitments, I haven’t seen any movies since, well, the same time last year. This leads to a week of late-night binge watching, usually of movies that have lingered in my Net …

Understanding the Fiduciary Duties of a Trustee

If you have been named as Trustee or Successor Trustee of another’s Irrevocable Trust, you may be wondering what exactly the role entails. For Successor Trustees, your duties will not begin until the current Trustee is no longer able or willing to perform in that capacity.

The Future of Energy Stocks

Published by Jake Bleicher The price of oil has been cut in half since June when West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was selling at $107 per barrel. The excitement has provided ample fodder for industry analysts and media journalists to speculate about future prices. Some of the leading soothsaye …

Gun Trusts: A Way to Avoid Unknown and Unintended Risks

America leads the world in gun ownership per capita with 90 guns existing per 100 residents. According to the Pew Research Center, 40% of individuals age 65+ own at least one gun. Some of the guns that are owned are classified as “Title II Firearms” and are regulated by the National Firearm …

What Should I Do With My Old 401(k)?

Your first step should be to talk to Human Resources at your old job, as well as your new job, to get individual information on what each plan allows. Once you know what you can and cannot do, you can follow one of the following steps.

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